About us

Asab means is neuron in Arabic. Asab Middle East vision is to help establishing a world that is free from all neurological disease.
Asab Middle East mission is to help decreasing risk factors of neurological diseases and disorders through improving society awareness level about neurological health specifically Arabic speaking community then society can take protective measures as required. Additionally we are aiming to provide information needed regarding care and treatment options so the patients and caregivers will have more clarity to give informed decision. We would like to contribute information sharing and provide update about recent researches to improve quality of life for patients and support treatment research activities.
Our team is led by Dr. Aida Mohammedeid. She is PhD graduate from Sheffield University, UK, with a major in Neuroscience. She has an MSc in molecular medicine from Sheffield University, UK, and a BSc in laboratory medicine from Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia. After completion her PhD she continued her works in Luxembourg then UAE respectively.
Our team is specifically focusing to improve awareness for health brain and nervous system for Arabic society due to limitation of arabic resource for public access. We are providing scientific information and advices to avoid neurological diseases and disorders, provide update about new researches to improve visibility of treatment options for the patients.
knowledge regarding risk factors then public can take protective measures as much as possible and change their lifestyle wherever it is possible
Remove myths from the society so they will approach the issues more realistically with positive attitude
provide information about facts, figures and encourage the society to put more resource for research activities
provide information needed regarding care and treatment options so the patients and caregivers will have more clarity to give informed decision
establish a communication platform among stakeholder (patients, carers, practitioners, researchers) to communicate, share experiences and support each other.
In 2017 The International Brain Research Organization Global Advocacy Seed Grant is awarded for the initiative and this enabled us efficiently promoting a reliable and easy to access resource for Arabic speakers regarding neurological disorders and up to date research literature in the neuroscience field.